Non Functional Testing.....

UI / GUI Testing: Validating if all user interfaces are professionally designed or not is called UI Testing.
Check List for UI Testing:

1) Check if all basic elements are available in the page or not.
2) Check spelling of the objects.
3) Check alignments of the objects.
4) Check content displayed in web pages.
5) Check if the mandatory fields are highlights or not.
6) Check consistency in background color, font type and fond size etc.

Usability Testing: Checking how easily the end user is able to understand and operate the application
Security Testing: Validating whether all security conditions are properly implemented in the software or not

Check List for Security Testing:

1) Check if the sensitive data such as password, credit card, CVV numbers are getting encrypted or not.
2) Check browser navigation after logout
3) Check direct URL access for the both secured and non secured pages.
4) Check for session expiry
5) Check view source code option for secured pages.
6) Check for Authorization
7) Check for Authentication
8) Check cookies

Performance Testing: It is a process of measuring various efficiency characteristics of a system such as response time, through put, load, stress transactions per minutes, transaction mix.

Load Testing: Analyzing functional and performance behavior of the application under various load conditions is called load testing.

Stress Testing: Checking the application behavior under stress conditions is called stress testing in other words reducing the system resources and keeping the load as constant checking how application is behaving is called stress testing.

Recovery Testing: Checking how system is able to handle some unexpected or unpredictable situations is called recovery testing.